What Is No, You Can’t Come Back Tomorrow?

I just watched Ken Jennings finally lose a Jeopardy game. Wow, what a run that guy had. Something like 74 days and 2 and a half million dollars. He did pretty well, but now it’s all over. On 1 hand I’m sad to see him go because I really enjoyed watching him destroy people the …

Wholesome Family Entertainment

This is a clip from an actual children’s TV show called “Rainbow” that used to be shown back in the 1970’s. I hadn’t heard of this show until yesterday when it was linked inRAW Rage,but now I want to track down every episode ever made to see if they were all this funny. Seriously,watch this …

The Amazing Family-Destroyer

The other day, I had the TV on for background noise while I was doing some school-related drudgery, and on came The Amazing Race. Usually I’d flip real quick because I can’t stand all these quote unquote reality shows. Reality? Ok whatever. But I was too damned lazy to change the channel, so I left …

This Might Be Fun….. It Might Not.

So I was watching the Simpsons last night and one of my favourite episodes was on. It was the one where Bart & Lisa get lost in Atlantic City. I don’t know what it is about that episode since it’s really not the funniest or anything like that but I just really enjoy it and …

The Angry Blind Man’s 6 O’clock News Recap

I’m going to try something that I’ve never tried before because I need to take my mind off of a few things and making fun of people I’ve never met before and venting my anger on them seems like a good way to accomplish that. So with the snappy little introduction complete with reasoning out …

More Weird Search Terms

In a continuing effort to keep you all up to date on some of the weird ways people find this site through search engines, I give you these 2 items. 16 Dec, Tue, 08:17:08Google:the joe shmoe nude pictures Well, at least it’s not Randy Orton’s penis, but still… But I think the funniest recent one …