Gee, It Sure Is A Good Thing We Spent The Marketing Budget On That Naming Committee

Order Nontobacco Beaver Chew Online! Quit Smoking and Quit Chewing Tobacco There’s nothing I could possibly need to add to this. Actually wait, yes there is. Check out the shipping rates on this crap. The cheapest option is nearly 3 times the price of the product. Insane.

Worst Book, Best Review

Thisis without question the greatest book review I’ve ever seen. If anybody has actually read The Shadow God by Aaron Rayburn, please let me know if it’s accurate. Here are a few snips: Pros: I’m not even gonna dignify that with a response! Cons: I can’t narrow it down. I’m sorry. I just can’t. The …

I Tried, But It’s Still Impossible

I never thought I’d ask for this. I thought after I was no longer being tortured with this horrible excuse for a song, I would never want to hear it again and would want to make an effort to forget it. But here I am, making a request that seems…impossible? No, the impossible is only …

Brain Dump

Well, I’m tired. I didn’t sleep much last night. So I’m hoping this random pile of stuff will make me burn out so maybe I’ll catch a nap. For people who were wondering, I’m doing ok. There are times when I climb the rollercoaster hill and I’m at the top, like when I manage to …

I Saw The Error-Laiden Sign

It’s good to see someone standing up for the English language. It just sucks that it’s going to be called a crime. I mean, it has to be, because the guy altered a public sign. But the sign was wrong! Come on! “Emense”? That isn’t even a word! If there was a way to harness …

The English Language Was Also Killed

Hello, Guelph Mercury? Are you there? Yes, I’m talking to you. Is everybody there who knows what they’re doing on a long vacation, or does nobody give a shit anymore? I ask because I’m curious as to how garbage likethis makes it through your editing process, if you still have one that is. I’ll forgive …

How Bout No?…Or Is That Supposed To Be How Bout Know?

Lecturer calls for spelling amnesty on students’ top 20 errors I’ve got a better idea. If first-year university students can’t spell with any degree of competence, why not send them back to primary school and make them learn everything over again until they get it right? University is supposed to be where the best and …

Another Victory For Grade 1 Science

Fragmenting Arctic ice shelf a sign of warming temperatures: scientist In related news, gravity holds things down, the sky is up there and rain contains drops of water. I’m pretty certain that Derek Mueller didn’t write that headline himself, but the way he carries on and on like he’s just discovered the cure for cancer, …