Wacky Random November Thoughts

I had some random thoughts, so figured I should heave them up here in no particular order. Although you’d never know it from today’s weather, which I want to see stay as long as possible, that bastard old man known as winter is going to show up and I’m not looking forward to it. When …

Friggin’ Weird

Hello! So that’s pretty odd. For most of last week I was unable to log on to the site, or the blogger site which allows us to post. I tried several times over the course of the week and kept getting that “This page cannot be displayed” thing which was getting fairly irritating, since I …

Wouldn’t You Agree This Commercial Is Crappy Crappy?

Ack, I forgot one piece of utter lameness from Wendy’s. It can’t go unmentioned. There was a commercial for some Wendy’s chicken salad that went something like “If crispy chicken breast is good, and crunchy veggies are good, then wouldn’t putting the two together be… good good?” first of all, what the hell is “good …

It’s Way Mind-Numbing, It’s Wendy’s!

I was watching TV, and suddenly, I jumped up and had to come post something. The Wendy’s commercials are for complete and utter morons. They have to be! Let’s go down the list of horrors I’ve heard spat at me by that woman they have doing all their talking in those commercials. Why not start …

Title: The Act Of Titling

While I was writing that last post, I went and looked up the word gestation just to make sure I was spelling it right. Check out the first definition that Dictionary.com chucked back at me. –noun the process, state, or period of gestating. Um…uh…er…thanks? Dictionaries have been doing things like that forever and I’ve never …

Those Nigerians Never Give UP, Do They?

First we had the Nigerian scam. Now, apparently, for the terminally stupid among us who don’t understand the phrase “once bitten, twice shy, we have the Nigerian metascam. This email example collected by Snopes is, well, spectacular. Observe. Federal Bureau Of Investigation ATM CARD PAYMENT NOTIFICATION From: Federal Bureau Of Investigation (robertmueller@fbi.gov) Sent: Mon 9/01/08 …

Some More Unintentional Newspaper Comedy

Police received a report about 12:30 p.m. that a naked man was sitting on a milk crate behind buildings in the 300 block of West Ann Street. Police found the man, who was shirtless and had his pants down around his ankles. He had a beer in one hand and was masturbating with the other …

CaptainCalamity Strikes Again

Hey there Stuart Hill, I have a big question for you. Why would you want to make an island its own country if you keep needing the coastguard for various rescues whenever you go boating? If something happens to you around your own island, you’ll be screwed. and while we’re at it, hey there coastguard …