Young Canada Works…to Be Confusing and Say the Same Thing in As Many Ways As Possible.

I always knew that anything to do with the government was full of redundancies and other unnecessary crap. But I had the point driven home this week. I decided to join this Young Canada Works thing and see about finding an internship through there. I was filling out their 12-step aplication and it was making …

I Apologize For Every Newfy Joke I’ve Ever Made

Honestly, I do. I’ve met a pretty good number of Newfoundlanders in my life, and almost all of them have been some of the nicest people you could ever hope to run into, and I don’t even mean with your car. And no matter what people say about them, I haven’t met a single Newfy …

An Odd Combination Of Things

Every day, I’m either sent or I come across a lot of funny or interesting things. Sadly, a lot of them don’t make it to the site for one reason or another. Sometimes they’re too short to make anything out of. I do 1 line posts from time to time, but you can’t do that …

Cover Letters From Hell

I should have written this up a few months ago when I found out about it, but since I’m a lazy hack, I just never got around to it. Advertising agency Killian & Company has a hilarious section on its website called Cover Letters from Hell that features, well, cover letters from hell. The link …

Like a Kid in a Candy Shoppe!

This is going to be the weirdest post ever. On second thought, that’s a tall order, writing the weirdest post ever. What would this post have to top to get that award? I’m not sure. That’s a hard one. Would it have to beat the guy who burped in Steve’s ear at the mall? Or …

Random Thoughts Ahoy!

I’ve been meaning to write this post for the last two days, and I haven’t done it. Don’t i suck? It has no real focus, just another random hodgepodge of things that have been passing through my head. I don’t know whether people are bored when I do those or not. Sometimes I wonder. Hope …

It’s Official, Human Beings Are Retarded

Honest to God, I actually read the words below just now on a real website while unsubscribing from a real newsletter. “if you are unsure what your email address is that you are subscribed under, this is located in your ezine below the Unsubscribe Link.” Let’s give these people a pass on the poor wording …

What Are we Even Saying Anymore?

For some reason, certain words have caught my attention lately. Some annoying guy with his mouth full of food was on the TV talking about some President’s Choice Cake. “It’s decadent!” he slurred through his chewing, which made me think. Isn’t it weird that the same word that means extravagant or indulgent also means decaying …

What’s a Bed and Breakfest?

I saw something that wouldn’t bug me much if I’d seen it anywhere but where I saw it. I saw a typo. Someone had written breakfest instead of breakfast. No biggy. Everybody makes a mistake sometimes. But where did I see it? On the main page of the newspaper’s website! To me, this is huge. …