Rub One Out For Research

Charity wants people to lend a hand… The most striking part of this story to me isn’t that they’re holding a masturbate-a-thon, I’ve heard about a few of those before. What really gets me about this is that the event is being put on with the help of an HIV charity, and the article says …

What’s in A Name? Hopefully Not Cancer!

When you hear, or, where do you think they go? I think they go to Red Green’s website and the website for the Royal Canadian Air Farce, don’t you? Actually, I know they do. So, what would be the logical conclusion when you see For me, I become frightened. I think that …

For Those of Y’all on Blindtech, Come On!

As a public service from Steve and I to anyone who is blind and can’t spell, or maybe just can’t spell period, here’s a helpful list of words that seem to be hard to spell for a lot of blinks. Let’s call this the blinklish to English dictionary. Feel free to give us suggestions of …

Thought Stew cooked up in the Mind of an Insomniac

Well, here I sit. It’s 6:00 a.m. and I’ve been up since 2. Yea great joys. So I thought I’d babble about some things that have been on my mind. Sorry for not being around lately, life has been keeping me very busy. Not uninspired, just tired. First of all, not being able to sleep …

Me Talk Good, For Serious

First off I want to apologize for my lack of posts over the last few weeks. I can’t promise that things are going to get much better over the next little while because of Summer and circumstances, but come on, at least I’m being honest with you and making an attempt to appear as though …

Resume Mistakes

These are supposedly things that were actually written on resumes and cover letters. I love this sort of stuff. “I demand a salary commiserate with my extensive experience.” “I have lurnt WordPerfect 6.0 computor and spreadsheat progroms.” “Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.” “Reason for leaving last job: Maturity leave.” “Wholly responsible for …