Joe Schmoe Show Update

Well, we’re only TWO DAYS AWAY from the finale of the Joe Schmoe Show. So, yesterday Spike TV ran the entire Joe Schmoe Series leading up to this point in it’s entirety in a Joe Schmoe Marathon. It was 8 hours long and I AM DAMN PROUD to say that I saw 6 hours and 43 minutes of it, y’know, just to refresh my memory before the big show.

The final episode does a great job to set up the final. The evicted house mates ahve returned and have all made their votes. The 3 left in the house are The Hutch, Bryan, and Matt. (our poor Joe) The winner will be announced right off the top of the show on Tuesday with the rest of the show being devoted to Matt’s reaction to finding out he’s been had by these people in front of THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.

It’s hard to say how Matt will re-act. He’s not overly bright but he’s such a good guy. He’ll either laugh this off or go on a murderous rampage. That’s not meant to be a joke.

Something like this could really screw with someone’s head. When he looks back at all he went through and finds out it’s all been fake, he could really flip. We had how emotional he got during Earl’s eviction, his constant standing up for Kip, and his resulting battles with Hutch, the fact that he thinks he’s become such good friends with Bryan who is really just an actor. There are a lot of wild cards here that make the finale extremely unpredictable. He’s gone through a lot during his time in the house and it was all fake. How would you take it? I’d probably be on the murderous rampage side of things. However, I have a feeling Matt’s gonna laugh this off… eventually. I think it’s gonna take a long time for it to sink in that EVERYTHING was fake. Not just the people, but all the contests, all the food, all the evictions, EVERYTHING.

Or…. Have WE been had? Is Matt an actor too? It’s the consipiracy theory in me. But hey, it’s possible.

I know I’ll be watching. Something like this doesn’t come around everyday, and I for one won’t be missing it.

I’m Out.

Love It

On Saturday night I was lucky enough to see something incredibly enjoyable. Yup. The Florida Marlins spanking the hugely favoured New York Yankees right there in the middle of New York City for the world to see!

How can you not love that? The high priced, much favoured, all-star line-up of the New York Yankees getting disposed of by, of all teams, the Florida Marlins right at Yankee Stadium. It was a pleasure to see.

At the beginning of the year I guarantee you that not one of you would have put a red cent on the Florida Marlins to even make the playoffs, let alone be World Series Champions. But they carried on their way quietly becoming one of the best teams in baseball while at the same time being one of the youngest.

The Marlins sent a 23 year old pitcher to the mound in a game where they could potentially win the World Series to face the powerful New York Yankee offense. How could not cheer for Beckett and the Marlins? The kid pitched one of the greatest games in World Series History. When I saw him pick up the ball and tag Posada to end the game it was a great feeling to watch his reaction. His manager had faith in his 23 year old ace to go out and pitch a complete game, and that’s what he did.

Just one final note. The Florida Marlins became the first visiting team to win the World Series at Yankee Stadium since 1981. Considering how many times the Yankees have gotten to that World Series, that really says something about the heart this team put in to it.


Hallowe’en Countdown. Freaky Froot Loops!

Here’s Another neat little Hallowe’en Treat for y’all.

The cereal aisles have been positively assaulted by the Halloween spirit, with virtually every brand except for those fibrous ones meant to help old people shit getting the spooky treatment. While Count Chocula and pals lead the pack, some of the more iconic bad boys of the breakfast table are donning fake fangs in a massive effort to cash in on the horror fest — not even your fabled Froot Loops are safe.

Yep, it’s Kellogg’s Freaky Froot Loops, the sweetened multigrain cereal that lets you follow Toucan Sam’s nose straight to Hell. The bird’s even dolled himself up with a vampire cowl, while keeping his trademark smile just to let the kiddies know that, despite the outfit, he hasn’t transformed into a hideous murdering monster. You know, from what I’ve heard, that’s pretty debatable. The box marks the cereal as being a “limited edition” offering, in case there’s a few collectible dealers out there who see a potential future selling off old boxes of Halloween Froot Loops. I don’t, but it’s still nice to know that I’m buying food that will simply cease to exist come November of this year. Though, if Freaky Froot Loops returns in 2004, the edition really wouldn’t have been all that “limited.” I’m not saying that Toucan Sam is a liar, but there’s room for doubt.

Wow, that’s the first time I’ve doubted a toucan like…ever. Halloween is so full of surprises.

To make the cereal more seasonal, some of those more SHOCKING and NEON colors have been excluded — there’s no blue or red loops in Freaky Froot Loops, and while that’s reason to cry, the bird compensates with the addition of fa-reeeeky marshmallows! Yep, you get marshmallow bones, ghosts, and masks! The bones look more like broken off pieces of other marshmallows, the ghosts look like sperm, and they call the masks “masks” so they won’t have to scare children by naming what’s obviously meant to be “skull” marshmallows. All of ’em arrive in a base color of white with orange swirls abounding, and you can almost hear Dracula golf clapping off in the distance with horrific approval.

In any case, it still tastes as fantastic as ever, and the Froot Loops haven’t lost their trademark of smelling exactly like those moist towelettes Chinese restaurants hand you when you’re finished fondling all of those dead pig bones. Say what you will about these companies doing all this Halloween stuff just to spark sales, but it’s still nice to see. In a world where holiday television specials are increasingly tossed aside from their usual prime time spots, and where my very own neighborhood seems to have lost its trick-or-treater count over the years by 90%, it’s great to see someone, even Toucan Sam, get into the spirit of things. He’s no Boo Berry, but hey, he’s predominately blue just the same.

The back of the box features all sorts of Halloween-themed game, ranging from Toucan Sam’s “Creepy Crossword” to Toucan Sam’s “Freaky Riddles,” and even Toucan Sam’s “Wispy Word Hunt.” The side panel has a recipe for “Crunchy Caramel Apples” using Apple Jacks as a primary ingredient, which is interesting since I bought Froot Loops, not Apple Jacks. Couldn’t they name me one special food to make with the cereal in hand? I dunno, “Toucan Sam’s Criminal Crispies” or something? Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers, and if there’s anything I am, it’s a beggar. A beggar with Froot Loops cereal dust all over his crotch. I think I found my Halloween costume.

More later, Kids.

Hallowe’en Countdown

Well X-Entertainment has got a Hallowe’en countdown on that I’ve decided to bring her because it is funny funny stuff. They are short little blurbs on different Hallowe’en novelty items that are sure to get a chuckle. Funny stuff. Here’s the first one for ya, more to come.

Don’t forget you can go to X-E yourself because there is all kinds of great stuff over there, but be sure to come back here or I will hunt you down like the dog your are! The X-E link is over on the right isde of the page.

Hand Shaped Treat Kits
It’s September 19th, 2003. Hurricane Isabel is making her presence known, and for all I know, this may be my last night alive. In these potentially final hours, I could find no better climax moment than filling plastic gloves up with popcorn. The “Hand Shaped Treat Kit,” one of this year’s hottest Halloween offerings, takes a page from those classic “popcorn balls” and spooks the formula up to the ultimate Scary Holiday Standard. Best of all, they’re fun party favors!!!

Each kit includes twelve hand-shaped treat bags with the kind of twist ties usually reserved for those really big Hefty bags — the ones so incredibly large that we must wonder if Hefty macabrely caters to the small yet profitable market of those who need to transport their hacked up victims as inconspicuously as possible. Sorry that I’m going on and on about these ties, but really, the hand-bags aren’t all that interesting. They’re just plain dye gloves with screenprinted green hands covered in assorted bat & ghost novelty rings on ’em. I guess I could talk about the exceedingly pointy orange fingernails for a while, but who’d pick that over a paragraph about twist ties?

Before you can fill the hands with popcorn, you’ve got to — surprise — make popcorn. If you’ve got raw, noncommercialized kernels on hand, it’s preferable to use those. The mass-produced & souped-up varieties like the one shown above lack the old world charm of the nude versions, and if there’s one thing you want to avoid while making god damned popcorn hands, it’s robbing yourself the chance to feel 0ld sk00l.

Okay, now we’re up to the fun part. The step that every would-be “treat hand” maker dreams about. It’s time to fill those gloves. Crack your knuckles and prepare for an experience…

Here’s the cool thing about making Halloween-themed treat hands — in all likelihood, at the moment you put the popcorn inside the gloves, you’re the only person in the whole entire world who’s doing that. You’ve achieved a level of uniquity on par with the duckbilled platypus and the guy who hosted those old Micro Machines commercials. If you’re watching a rerun of All In The Family, there’s probably several thousand other people doing the exact same thing at any given time. Same goes for taking Tylenol, pissing on the side of the road, and yes — even if you’re choking out your grandmother with the very yarn she was crafting you a new winter scarf with, there’s a good chance someone else is doing the same thing out there somewhere. Treat hands? No way. Unless you synchronize the activity with some friends in an effort to break universal law, you’re that particular minute’s only Treat Hand maker in history, sweet forever etched history. Be proud. Celebrate with a popcorn snack.

If you hate popcorn and the idea of sticking popcorn into hands, you could always use the gloves to achieve a perfectly borderline pensive/goofy fucking shithead aura. Few kits to arrive this Halloween season will pack such an impressive dichotomy. Even fewer will let you shove popcorn into plastic gloves. Treat hands are a true original.

Upon completion, that’s what the treat hands look like. Overstuffed popcorn paws. The package claims that you could fill these bitches with something other than popcorn, but I can’t picture the flimsy bags surviving sharp pretzels or potato chips. Considering them as “party favors,” you gotta figure that nobody’s gonna give out the 7,000 Reese’s Pieces it’d take to fill a single glove, either. These are for popcorn only, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’m serious — don’t let anyone do it. Don’t ruin your Halloween with false truths. Don’t swap the pop.

Come On! He Did The Right Thing

This is what’s wrong with the NHL right now. (among other things) I’m watching the Leaf game and 19 year old Matt Stajan gets completely crushed by a hit (fair hit, by the way) The kid was absolutely pasted. Domi immediately jumps in and drops the gloves with the guy and they have a pretty good little fight. That SHOULD have been the end of it. But rather than both players getting 5 minute fighting majors, Domi also gets 2 minutes for instigating and a 10 minute misconduct.

It’s just not right. Gretzky was great for so many years because everyone in the league knew that if they took exception to him, Marty McSorley was gonna kick your ass. That’s how it was with every team’s stars and rookies. There’s nothing wrong with standing up for your players. It’s a tough game.

That damn kid would have been run all night if Domi hadn’t stepped to the plate on his behalf? Now he’s being left alone but Domi got way more than he deserved.

On a side note: After the fight Stajan went over to Domi as he skated to the box and tapped his shin pads with his stick and thanked him for helpin’ him out. It’s a respect thing. The guy’s making the rules don’t seem to see that. The way things are now, goons with no skill are free to run over “real” players with no fear of retribution because they know if someone tries to do something about it, they’ll do big time in the box.

That’s it for tonight. Be Safe Kids.

Someone’s Not Happy. That Makes Me Happy

I received this via e-mail today from our good friend Chris who was kind enough to contribute in more ways than he intended to the Q & A that we did down the page a bit. Here’s what the poor guy had to say.

Hey you prick. All I did was write in and ask a few questions which you guys had encouraged relentlessly. I don’t need your shit. Bringing me up time after time in the rest of that post was retarded of you. You two truley are homos. I still think this site is stupid. Guys with nothing better to do than write a public diary seems real cool to me. I ain’t coming back to this stupid site and i don’t think anyone else should either.
Kiss My Ass

Well, it’s good to know he cared enough to come back and see if we answered him. Which we did. And he seemed very complimentary, don’t you think? I mean he did say we were pretty cool for doing this, right? Chris seems like a good guy with a little pent up agression. I want you to repeat the following before writing us again, Chris. (since I know you’re reading, your kinda always comes back)

“3, 2, 1,
1, 2, 3,
What the heck is bothering me?”

Repeat that a few times and you’ll feel much better, I think. I mean if it worked for Carl Windslow while trying to do with that bad-ass Steve Urkell then I’m sure it can work for you, man. Be strong. I’m in this with you. I also think you need to find a better way to sign your e-mails. That wings on “Kiss My Ass” won’t fly very far when you write a cover letter for a job someday.

Kids, I ask you to keep Chris in your thoughts. He seems to be having a rough time. I’ll now take a page form his book and sign off though.

Piss Off Chris

Behind Blue Eyes

I just heard Limp Bizkit’s cover of the old Who song Behind Blue Eyes for the first time. Ug, I hope it doesn’t catch on. I can’t think of any time that a cover of a song has ever made me hate the original but there’s a first time for everything and if I have to be subjected to that crap a few thousand more times, this could just be it. I never thought I’d be happy to hear a song by Creed but since this time it meant that Behind Blue Eyes was over, it made my goddamn day.

I’m not even sure where to begin with talking about how bad this song is. For one thing, there’s no emotion to it at all. When Roger Daltrey sings it, you feel something and you get the idea that the lyrics mean something to him and more than that, that the song is at least somewhat meaningful to the rest of the band backing him up. When Fred Durst sings it it sounds like a guy who’s out of ideas for angry songs of his own and decides to cash in on something from years back that most people who would buy his music have probably never even heard. He’s trying to prove that he can sing too which is a bad idea considering what song he picked. If you’re going to try to prove that you can expand your horizons as a musician a good rule of thumb is to write your own songs to make your point. And don’t even get me started on the lack of heaviness in the music or for that matter, the lack of anything resembling what that song was supposed to be all about musicly. Ok, what that song was always about to me musicly anyway.

If I were either surviving member of the Who, after hearing what Fred and the gang did to my song, I’d kill myself just so I could roll over in my grave in reaction to it.

Letterman, Leafs & The Most Evil Person On The Planet

For the last little while Letterman’s been airing some stuff in a segment called “Meet The Governor”. He’s got clips of Arnond smoking pot, groping women and just basically making an ass of himself in general. It’s some pretty funny stuff that Letterman has said “will become a regular segment until I get bored.”. Definitely check it out. Hell, Letterman’s funny anyway so I don’t know why you wouldn’t be watching. Eat me Leno.

The Leafs finally break out last night. 5 goals in a game is the new high-water mark for the Leafs this season. Unforunately they also allowed the below average forwards of the Coyotes to score 4 times. (and I am aware it was the back-up in goal). Up until last night I thought the defense played pretty well. Last night they were, by no means, terrible but they weren’t as good as they had been. Hopefully now that the offense has gotten a bit of a kick-start the defense can get going again and they can put a nice little streak together.

Steve has alligned himself with Satan, herself. The person kind enough to leave the nice little critique of my work is someone I know quite well. She’s heartless! Steve, I wish you luck with your new found best friend but be careful. She’s goddamn relentless when she finds out about that little eye thing. Oops. Did I let that slip out?

to this mystery writer I have only one thing to say to you… and you’re probably the only one who will get it.

“I see better at night!”

With that, I’m finished.
PS. Inside jokes are no good. No more after this. Sorry!

People Love Matt, What Can I Say

Just saw this on the comment boards, which any of you can feel free to use by the way. There’s a link at the end of every post that you can use to drop feedback like this person who is now my new best friend did. And if you’re not a fan of comment boards,
also works. Keep in mind that I had nothing to do with getting this posted anywhere other than here on the main page. Somebody, who clearly knows who the true talent is around here did this all on his or her own.

“Matt, I’ve read some of your postings. I applaud your attempts at inserting “BIG” words into your posts. However when used in the wrong context, and poorly
spelled, they sort of lose their magic. If you want to succeed, invest in an editor, and by that, I don’t mean Steve.”

What more can I say? Well for now, nothing.

Time To Open The Mailbag

Well, we’ve had some questions e-mailed to us that we figured we’d answer in bulk right here. for some reason you decided not to do it on the comments board, but hey, that’s fine. E-mails works.

Before we get started. We’ll make this a semi-regular thing. Once we reach a certain number of questions we can post your answers up here in kind of an “ask the idiots” kinda deal. Now, this is our first time so bare with us and we’ll get better as we go. We promise!

For now, though. Courage!

Q: Do either of you have any kind of qualifications for doing something like this? Or even a reason to because so far this all seems like pointless ramblings. By a diary you fucking homo’s.

A: Well, Chris. It’s a good question. neither of us has any internet background, any kind of certificate that says we have any rite to answer your questions with any kind of professional background, or any interest in what goes on in your petty meaningless life… But we like ours, and you’re here aren’t you? So you must kinda like ours too. Also, there is no need to resort to name calling. You are not the first person to question Steve and I’s sexuality, and you sure as hell won’t be the last. Let’s move on, Kids.

Q: I’ve seen you both post things talking about punk rock. Are either of you in to Ska?

A: See, Chris? No need to be rude. Just strait to the point. And Featherhead, nothing like some good ol’ Ska to put you to sleep at night. That seemed like a pretty boring question and so far boring answer, so let me throw a few bands at you all to check out, F-Head here probably already has these. Reel Big Fish, Mustard Plug, and Less Than Jake are all with your money. There ya go F-Head. Thanks for writing and being cooler than our friend Chris.


Q: This question is for Matt. How the helll old r u? Turltes, Mario, Grinch? Time 4 u 2 get a life, man.
Sweety Pye

A: Do you know Chris? You two should hook up. Anyway, i’m 20 and am maturity challenged. I just miss my childhood stuff. We can’t all have no hearts and no feelings like you. Besided, in all fairness, Mario is cool at ANY age. Lighten up, sista!

Things are starting to get a little heated here. Here’s one for Steve, maybe it will lighten the mood a bit.

Q:Yo, Steve. I love life is a hi-way. why u gotta go slammin’ on it. it’s a goddamn classic u peckerhead
Jake Da Snake

A: I have to respectfully disagree. You, on the other hand, are a goddamn classic peckerhead.

Oh dear, that didn’t go good at all? This one’s short. Let’s see what we have here.

Q: Will this site ever be good?

A: Fuck You!

Ok, well this has gotten pretty hostile, i must say so maybe this is a good spot to wrap it up for this week. Write me and Steve and we’ll answer whatever it is you might wanna know. Cua, I mean. We know pretty much everything, don’t we Chris? So feel free to send your inquiries over to me or Steve.

Y’all have a good day, now. Except you Chris. I hope your day sucks.