Now That, That Is The Face Of Trouble Waiting To Happen

Every time I watch Jesse & Festus wrestle, I can’t help but wonder about something. If the whole point of the Festus character is that whenever a bell rings he either transforms into a crazed madman or back to being nice and calm, why doesn’t somebody on the other team just ring the bell when …

For Your Listening Pleasure

I don’t know how the site has survived for so long without getting busted for some kind of stupidity by the film industry, but hey, more power to ’em. There is a site called What amazes me is that sighties actually like this site! They want to listen to movies at work and while …

>Thanks, That Really Narrows It Down.

>This story isn’t all that special, except for the oh so helpful description provided by police. He is described as white with defined facial features and acne marks on his face. He is between 17-24 years old, stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 170 pounds. Defined facial features? What does that even mean? …

So This Is What A girl’s Innocence Is Worth?

Ok, so a bunch of boys can force a girl to have oral sex with them, piss on her, set her hair on fire, tape the whole thing and distribute it, and only get probation and rehab? Oh, and this isn’t the first time these boys have done similar things? Riiiiight! I hate stories like …

In Scotland, They Don’t Screw Around!

Wow! Years ago, in Scotland, there must have been a lot of sex-offenders who weren’t caught before they did something ghastly horrible. Why else would they throw people on the registry for screwing a bike, and now getting it on with pavement. At least this one, I can half understand because it was in full …