ARAO: A Really Asinine Obligation

Ok, rant time again. Yee ha. One of the newest places where I volunteer has a stupid policy they call ARAO. It stands for Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression. AT this point I can hear the peanut gallorie booing me off the stage and calling me a racist asshole. But wait wait wait! Basically the policy says they …

Active Listening By The Deaf

Man. I can’t believe how people who claim to be good listeners don’t really listen. Or maybe they only listen in certain contexts, and then turn off their ears everywhere else. I said I was in training to work with people who are trying to get out of abusive situations, and that would involve learning …

Thought Stew cooked up in the Mind of an Insomniac

Well, here I sit. It’s 6:00 a.m. and I’ve been up since 2. Yea great joys. So I thought I’d babble about some things that have been on my mind. Sorry for not being around lately, life has been keeping me very busy. Not uninspired, just tired. First of all, not being able to sleep …

Duh I Don’t See Any Problem with This, Sparky, Do You?

I’ve had the TV on way too much, because I heard something else that made me shake my head. A commercial came on for this place called Canada Reconnect. It gives prepaid phone service to people who, for one reason or another, have had their phone disconnected. Keep in mind that most of these people …

No Zits, or a Healthy Baby? Oo, Hard Decision.

I saw something on the news that made me flip out, what else is new? There’s a drug to stop acne, I think we’ve all heard of Accutane. It’s been known before to be related to depression and higher suicide rates. Ok, that’s freaky. But this time, people are freaking out at the company for …