Don’t Ask Me Where That Is, I Just Drive By It Every Day

Ok, where are these bus drivers’ heads? I get on the bus, but because I’m running behind schedule, I decide to instead of coming into the main place where the buses stop at the university, I’d go to a stop near where I was going since I heard that there was one. So I ask …

Some People Need Work Instilling Confidence

I had a bit of an argument with a bus driver today on my way home from the radio station. Well maybe it wasn’t exactly an argument, but he thought I was lying about something and me and another guy had to prove him wrong so I’ll call it an argument anyway. The funny thing …

The Angry Blind Man’s 6 O’clock News Recap

I’m going to try something that I’ve never tried before because I need to take my mind off of a few things and making fun of people I’ve never met before and venting my anger on them seems like a good way to accomplish that. So with the snappy little introduction complete with reasoning out …