Dear Little Children in Our Building:

I used to like listening to you laugh and shriek and scream. I used to think it was pretty cool that you all had a place to play right outside your door. Now, the sound of your voices fills me with dread. Why? Because when I take Trixie to do her business, you won’t leave …

So How’s Trixie Doing Anyway?

I know there are some people who come to the blog for Trixie updates. I’ve been emailed by a few of them asking for updates on how Trixie is doing. So here’s the first of a few Trixie-related posts. I think my knee is finally completely healed. I think Trixie is thrilled to be able …

Little Girl, Big Trouble

Well, it appears some other people think the same way I do about Ashley’s story. Taken from the Guelph Mercury. Hospital admits breaking law in sterilizing girl SEATTLE (May 10, 2007) A hospital has acknowledged breaking state law when doctors performed a hysterectomy on a severely developmentally disabled girl whose growth was medically stunted to …

I’m Pissed Off, So Now You’re Getting Pissed On

I’m sharing this because for some reason I find it really funny. A Japanese man upset that the view from his apartment had been blocked by a house built nearby has been charged with damaging a structure because his protest method of choice involved dousing the home with urine at least 169 times. Nishizaki urinated …

Welcome to Wal-Mart, How Can I Sort of Help You?

I’ve been meaning to write about this since, hmm, when? When I got back from guide dog school? Or was it before that? I know I was with mom getting stuff at Wal-Mart. Anyway, here goes. We’re getting stuff at Wal-Mart, like I said, and mom decides to go through one of these funky-doodle self-checkout …

At Least he Didn’t Say God Told Him to Do This, Too!

What kind of complete and utter sick freak would put his two-month-old baby in the microwave? This one would! Joshua Royce Mauldin of Arkansas said God told him to come and become a preacher in Texas. While looking for a place to live, he was staying in a hotel. It was also in this time …

GUTS, GUTS, Go Away, The Police are Here to Stay!

These people definitely belong in the things that make ya go raaar! pile! Remember GUTS? If not, here’s a refresher, and an update, yet more greatness, and the final straw. That was the final straw…until now. Will these people just go away quietly? They’re not serving any practical purpose, and they’re being nothing but a …