These People Aren’t Smokin’ In The Brains Department

Most of this article was pretty uninteresting. It said that a lot of women in West Virginia smoke while pregnant. Apparently these women just don’t know it’s bad, and campaigns to bring them up to date on this just aren’t working. Other women are suffering from depression, so that wouldn’t be a really easy time …

Hey Hidey Ho, Where’d The Old Lobster Go?

This has to be a setup. Somebody really wanted these lobsters to run wild and free. They had to have. In the middle of the night in Stuttgart, Germany, dozens of lobsters who were going to be sold to people to be made into a nice dish made an escape from an Asian supermarket. This …

Those Pants Must Have Really Meant A Lot To Him

All I can say is, good! I don’t think we blogged about this anywhere, but I’m sure everyone has heard about Roy Pearson, Jr. the idiot who sued the dry-cleaners to the tune of $54000000 for supposedly losing his pants, and even though they said they found them, he said they weren’t his, and on …

Shall We Head To The Graveyard Of Bad Ideas?

I need somebody to explain thisAnti-Groping Applithing to me, because I’m just not getting it. Snip from the article, which is trying but failing: The application flashes increasingly threatening messages in bold print on the phone’s screen to show to the offender: “Excuse me, did you just grope me?” “Groping is a crime,” and finally, …

They Crawled Out From Under Their Rock Again!

Wow. Whenever these people show up, my mouth falls open. Remember the citizens of Herouxville? Well, they’re at it again, and they’re just as bigoted as before. Apparently, because of that code of conduct they wrote up back in January, there was a commission convened to study reasonable accommodation of immigrantss, and of course, Herouxville …

Have You Hugged Your Boss Today?

Man this story killed me. I guess somebody in Taiwan read some psychology books and gathered that military personnel were more likely to be more comfortable if there was an atmosphere of love and camaraderie. So, they decided to manufacture one by ordering the new recruits to hug their squad leaders on a regular basis. …

Which Is Worse? Plane Crashes Or Confidence Crashes?

Ok, let me get this straight. NASA is commissioned to do a survey about air-travel safety. They survey 24000 pilots over 4 years. they find out that incidents of near collisions and runway interference is much higher than government statistics, so…they decide to withhold the results and purge them? Apparently, they just don’t want us …