Glucometer Manufacturers can be Real Pricks!

I’m doing some research for a friend who is diabetic to help her find a talking glucometer, that thing that tests your sugar levels, and a thought dawned on me. This shouldn’t be as hard as it is!

No, hear me out, I’m not just whining. This is a diabetes-control aid. Diabetes has the capacity to, among other things, take away someone’s eyesight, and it’s a common thing that happens. How many times do you hear, “She went blind due to Diabetes?” So why don’t *all* meters have a talking option? It should be standard! I mean, already a lot of them realize that your fingertips are sensitive and allow for multiple testing sites. How come they don’t realize that there may come a day when you lose your vision, and the last thing you’ll want to do is have to get to know how to use a new meter, one of a rare few that talk? I’m not saying that all meters have to talk. Just make it so you can turn the talking on and off.

It’s kind of like opening up a senior’s home with lots and lots of stairs and no elevators. Sure, when someone gets there, they might be able to climb stairs. But you have to have things in place for the day when they may not be able to do it anymore, since lots of older people may, for various reasons, have trouble going up and down stairs.

It just makes no sense. Hopefully someone realizes this, or when the Diabetes problem spirals out of control, there are going to be a lot of angry blind people.
By the way, anyone know anything about the Prodigy meter?

Do Unto Yourself as the People in These Pictures are Doing Unto Each Other.

Here we go again with Telus in the news, only this time, I’m on their side.

Telus Mobility has decided to allow people to download porn on their cell phones for a fee. The porn that users can access has been checked to see if it meets federal and provincial standards, and only people who are 18 and over can get it, in theory anyway. Just wait until Little Johnny gets a hold of Mommy’s cell phone, but that’s another story.

Now, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver has got his shorts in a twist over it. He’s screaming that it’s wrong and is urging people to cancel their contracts with Telus Mobility. Telus is receiving oodles of complaints over this, and the number is rising. Shareholders are calling the move disgusting.

Woe! Everybody! Stop the bus and look out the window! Most cell phones now have web-browsers built into them, right? Which means you can surf the net on your own, right? Which means, if you know what you’re doing, you can find your own porn, and it might be far worse than anything Telus is offering!

And to those folks wanting to complain about even seeing the availability of porn on their cell phones, you don’t have to accept the offer, do you? They could next offer you voicemail. Do you have to take that too? Nobody’s shoving porn down your throat. If you don’t want it, say no, leave it for people who want it, and shut up!

And a final message to the appalled shareholders. Where were you when Telus was actually doing something bad? Where were the screaming masses when Telus was censoring its internet so subscribers couldn’t see what the company was up to? I don’t recall hearing a peep. Man people are stupid.

We want your Savings Since We’re Missing Our Souls.

Wow. I think it would be a miracle if these assholes could sleep at night. The sad thing is they probably can.

During their fund-raising campaignes, hosts on the Miracle Channel would strongly advocate that their viewers cash out their RRSP’s and donate them to the station. Choice quotes like “There is somebody right now watching and God is speaking to them about RRSPs. They’ve got RRSPs and they’ve got a sizable amount and it’s a security thing. Well, it’s not a security thing; your security is in God. And God’s speaking to you to cash those in. I dare you to do it.” make my blood boil. Scammers and assholes, all of them. Anyone who has the sheer, unadulterated gall to ask for someone’s life-savings should spend the rest of his life eating out of a dumpster. After all, he doesn’t need money, food and ahome. He should give it to god. That is all.

Like a Kid in a Candy Shoppe!

This is going to be the weirdest post ever. On second thought, that’s a tall order, writing the weirdest post ever. What would this post have to top to get that award? I’m not sure. That’s a hard one. Would it have to beat the guy who burped in Steve’s ear at the mall? Or maybe the guy who slapped Matt’s ass at the hockey game? Or maybe you have your own ideas for the weirdest post. But this one’s going to be a little weird and twisty and…hopefully not boring.

I discovered the coolest place ever. An online candy store! They’re Canadian, they’re cheap, and they have a zillion different kinds of candy from a bunch of different countries! Oh, and if you’re Diabetic, there’s a whole section for you. Their website could use a little work, so don’t be frightened away by the spelling errors. They are a real store and they will ship the shit you order. I know, I’ve already received an order from them.

And here comes the weird part of the post. Long story time. Some people know that part of my hotmail address is froozle. I picked it back when I didn’t think anyone would actually be emailing me there. I picked it back when, *gasp*, you could make free phone calls on MSN Messenger. As soon as I picked it, they started charging. Bastards! I’m always late to catch a train!

So anyway, someone was teasing me about this froozle hotmail account, and then started calling me other things, like froozy and frooze and such. So one day, just for shits and giggles, I typed frooze into google to see what would come up. Not much did, but one thing did come up, these candies called Frooze Pops.

I was intrigued. They were apparently some kind of jelly-filled lolllypop…or something made in China. The descriptions were so vague. I said one day I would try them, just to say I’d tried Frooze Pops.

I went in search of these things, and found a place in the states that would sell them to me. But the bastards wouldn’t even tell me how much shipping would cost, and the order was going to be a lot of money. I wanted to try them, but not for that price. So I kept looking, and stumbled into the Candy Shoppe, and they had them!

I got my order, and tried a couple today, and they’re weird! They’re these little sticks with these big plastic caps on them. Tied to the stick is this tag, and who knows what it says. I’d love to know. Anyway, the candy isn’t in the plastic cap on top, it’s in the stick! You suck on it and this funky jelly comes out. Sometimes you’re not sure if you’re done until you’ve squeezed and squished the stick every which way. It’s good, but it’s weird! So now, I’ve tried Frooze Pops. That is no longer a mystery. And I’ve found the coolest candy store ever in the process!

Penny for Your Thoughts? How about 22000 of ’em?

I’m still laughing. I don’t think this guy was expecting the response he got, but it’s still funny.

Police mistake package of pennies for bomb

WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C. (Feb 12, 2007)

As protests go, it was a bomb.

It began when a disgruntled Williams Lake rancher dumped a package on the steps of his local provincial government offices and it was mistaken for a bomb
by local officials and the RCMP last Wednesday.

It turned out the mysterious cardboard box wrapped in plastic contained $220, or 37 kilograms in pennies — his payment for four fines he received that
he wasn’t too happy about.

The situation was taken seriously and the building was evacuated.

I’d just love to see this guy dropping that package off.

Another Survey

Well, here I go again. I just got emailed another survey, and thought maybe someone who reads here might be able to fill it out too.

The Adaptech Research Network is developing a scale that postsecondary students can use to grade their on-campus experience with adaptive technology and they need pilots. So if you’re going to school, or graduated in the last two years and feel like helping them out, go here and fill it out. If you have any questions about the survey, their emails are on the page. You can even get a few bucks for it! Yea a few bucks! And you’ll be helping a dude who I met 12 years ago. Ug! That was a long, long time ago.

Somewhere, There’s a Code Monkey in Trouble

This is just a quick post to warn anyone who might have clicked on John Pinette’s website in our links bar and thought about buying his stuff via PayPal that you shouldn’t do it. I guess that address isn’t being used anymore and you have to buy all his stuff through Amazon. Luckily for me, who already bought a CD via PayPal, they’re shipping it out anyway. But they say the button should be coming off the site. But until it does, clicking on it is a definite nay nay.

What? A Legitimate Email Warning?

Yesterday, I got an email that made me shake my head and question reality. Had I fallen into a parallel universe? Was I still sleeping? If I was awake, had the world changed as I slept?

I got an email that told me I should read it immediately and let everyone know of its contents. It talked about kids inhaling compressed air or aerosols and dying from the effects. So I thought, “ug another hoax, time to load up snopes and debunk it. To my surprise and shock, when I got there, I found it was true! The guy was a little extreme about it, telling us to get the cans of Dust-Off, the substance that his son used to get high which eventually killed him, out of our homes, but I can understand him being a little over the top when he wrote this. I mean, he just lost his son!

Um wow. Someone sent me an email warning, and it actually was true, right down to the last detail. This guy’s name, his son’s name, his wife’s profession, the name of their dog, everything was true! How often does that happen? That’s just weird.


this story sounded so stupid when I first read it that I thought it couldn’t possibly be true. So certain was I that Ananova had been taken for a ride that I went and did some looking around. In doing so I learned 2 things. Yes, these people really did change the name of the play to The Hoohaa Monologues because one person was offended by the word vagina, and yes, the world is in fact doomed.