If I Had A Hammer…

Well, here’s the long-awaited answer to the question of what colour and tool did 98% of people think of? Well, it’s not really long-awaited, I only made you wait a day. But I couldn’t hold back any longer. It’s cool that lots of people were unconventional. I now feel like a rather square-thinking person. So, …

Sing Solo…So Low They Can’t Hear You!

Um, here’s my chance to look like an idiot. My geography sucks, but aren’t Thailand and the Philippines neighbours? If they are, which I’m pretty sure they are, they have similar militant stances on Caraoke. First, we had our poor unfortunate tone-deaf soul who died in a Philippine caraoke bar, and now we have 8 …

Wrong Number, Big Mistake

Ya know, if you’re going to call a friend at midnight to announce that you killed all the bad guys in your videogame by saying “I have killed them all”,ya might wanna triple check that you’re dialing the right number, Especially if you’re Thomas Ballard, who has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. It wasn’t …

If This Ain’t The Deal Of The Century, I’ve Officially Lost Touch

Right now on eBay, somebody is selling a Tim Hortons Roll Up The Rim cup that hasn’t yet been rolled. What’s that? Yes, of course I’mserious.I’d never lie to you, you know that. High bid at this moment is 99 cents. Yes, somebody actually bid on the thing. People never cease to amaze me, they …

And Here I Thought I Had A Twisted Mind

Ok, this is just spooky. I got emailed this little test, and apparently I have a very conventional mind. Everybody, leave your answer to the last thing the test tells you to do in the comments. At the end of this message, you are asked a question. Answer it immediately. Don’t stop and think about …