I Wish I Worked For Skip The Squishes

I feel the tiniest bit for the guy who won’t be getting his lunch on time, but I gotta tell ya, this food delivery bot getting himself crushed by a train fills my blind heart with joy. It’s one less piece of electronic garbage polluting the sidewalk, which means one less unnecessary travel hazard for …

It’s Your Name. The Phone Says So

I just used the voice dictation on my iPhone to send a text. In that text, I used the word “dipshit”. Dictation got it correct, but it capitalized it. I wasn’t sure if that was a one off, so I sent another text and used it again. Again, it put a capital D on it. …

Hey Spotify, Do You Do Anything Everyone Else Doesn’t?

I’m not sure why I would ever use this because Siri on my iPhone and Google Assistant on my smart speaker already provide pretty much the same functionality without needing to open the app, but since I’m sure it’ll come in handy for somebody somewhere someday, it’s probably worth noting that Spotify has its own …

Here Is Your Delivery. I Must Now Speak To My Friend Alibi 5000

I’ll admit it. Watching this little autonomous arsehole just toddle on through this crime scene giving no fucks about anything other than delivering food is kind of funny to a point. But when I watched it, the first thing I did wasn’t laugh. The first thing I did was think shit, I’m glad this isn’t …

Make More Inconvenience

I understand wanting to be secure and prevent crime, but this seems a bit much. If you’ve gone to a Rogers store during business hours recently and were wondering why the door is locked, the company wants you to know it’s the result of a policy change aimed at preventing robberies and fraud. The Canadian telecom …


I have no idea what 1982 Sony was trying to create here. It seems a bit too sophisticated to have been intended as a toy, but nowhere near sophisticated enough to be taken seriously as any sort of musical instrument or recording device. It occupies a strange space somewhere in between, and therefore winds up …

Ring. I’m Donald Trump, And I Approved This Message. Ring. Check Out Our New Value Meals. Ring…

I, and probably most of you, know next to nothing about Neil F. Sleevi. For his sake, this is a very good thing. Wherever he is now, I hope that he’s happy, healthy, and counting both his money and his lucky stars that this extremely shitty patent he was granted back in 1989 and subsequently …

They Made Black-And-White TVs Longer Than I Thought

I didn’t expect myself to watch all 12 plus minutes of this, but here I am, having just finished it. It brought back some memories for me. I owned a few of these little TVs in my time. Not these exact ones as I recall although the name Spectra is ringing bells for some reason, …