Wow, When Did This Place Get A Beach Ball Exhibit?

I realize that Carolyn Ragan here has had some medical problems, but when you’re 5 feet tall and 275 pounds, you have to expect that somebody’s going to say something like that to you eventually. You also have to realize that the person who does isn’t automatically a horrible prick, he might just be hitting …

"Hello, Is Your Refrigerator Running?" "No, But You Guys Should Think About It."

If you and your buddies decide tomug a guy and mess him up a bit because some of you are angry at life and feel like beating somebody up,why not just leave it at that? Seriously, no good can possibly come from giving him a call the next day so you can make fun of …

Shoplift ‘Til You Drop Evidence

Hey LaKeitha Watson-Atkinson, how the hell did you manage to shove 6 purses into your pants? That’s impressive. More impressively, how did you manage to get smoked by your getaway car twice? Even more, how did you not end up seriously injured right there? But the funniest part is even though you managed to get …

Deal With The Tooth, the Whole tooth, And Nothing But The Tooth

I mentioned a dentist who liked to give chest massages, um, apparently in an attempt to illeviate a rare jaw disorder in my original pile of dentists from hell, but since that link is no longer working, I can’t verify if this one, Mark Anderson, is the same guy. If he isn’t, well we can …

What’s In A Name? A Visit From Family Services

Wow. I guess Adolph Hitler Campbell and company have been taken by family services. Nobody’s being clear on why they were taken, some are even being unclear on whether they were taken at all, but it sounds like something is going on, because there’s going to be a hearing on where they’ll live for the …

Watch The Watch. No, Watch Your Money!

Maybe I’m stupid, but isn’t throwing away $100 an hour for a hypnotist to convince you you’re a millionaire counterproductive? If you put that money away, you would know how much money you had and you wouldn’t need to be hypnotized. But maybe they’re halfway to being filthy rich. They’re already throwing money away on …