My House is Your House?

Picture this. You’re an old man. You have a nice house whose investment value is supporting your Hungarian family. You rent it to a couple. The couple decide they want your house. They forge a power of attorney, sign over your house, and sell it! You’re lucky to have a nice real estate agent for …

Yea! Google’s Crawling us Now!

I know this is geeky, but I think it’s pretty cool. A while ago, I was bitching about how shitty the google blog search was, and how you couldn’t really search the blog and have it actually return results, even though you knew they were there. So, we put in a google box, thinking that …

I took My Computer to theWrong Shop!

You know, I always talk about how I pride myself on the accuracy of my gut feelings. Sometimes, when I’m walking somewhere, and need to ask for directions, something will tell me not to ask a certain person. Then I’ll see them do something really creepy. Or, I’ll have to make a choice, and I’ll …

So What’s Up With This Jew Thing, Anyway?

So I’ll start this post by making it VERY clear that this is a post of ignorance – and not meant to be an attack of any kind – simply a question. tonight on the news was an interestion story on a very talented young hockey player entering the Quebec Major Junior League. But – …

Famous Just For Being Famous

It never stops amazing me how infatuated our society is with the famous. Never at any time in history of their been so many magazines, radio shows, and ET style tv shows all dedicated to just celebrity gossip. It boggles the mind. And we’re all guilty, some more than others, but in our own way. …