Remembrance Day Forgetfulness

I was watching the news last night, and a story came on that doesn’t even need the time of day. But, it’s the local news, where coverage of snow blowing around in open areas is considered important, and it being another scorcher out there gets top priority, so I guess it’s slim pickin’s. Anyway, the …

Mommy And Daddy Are Making A Better Version Of You

This whole thing makes me sick. There’s now a new bill being introduced in the UK to do with IVF. A lot of its ideas are good, like allowing gay couples to register as the kid’s parents on birth certificates, or not denying lesbians from having kids. hell, if they can do it and they …

The Medical Care Was Worse Than The Snakebite!

Let’s think about this. A woman gets bitten in a religious snake-handling ritual. That’s perhaps ironic and worth a sarcastic chuckle, but if you’re a hospital staff member and she shows up for treatment, shouldn’t all chuckling stop and treatment start? If the staff at the Marymount Medical Centre in London, Kentucky, truly did what …

Gee, Those Don’t Look Like Stitches!

God. Now, if you have to go under the knife, along with all the usual worries, it seems that operating room fires happen more than one might think! Apparently this is because of the use of pure oxygen for the patient to breathe, use of alcohol swabs, and cauterizing instruments. Anyway, you’re more likely to …

Which Is Lower, The Temperature Or Your IQ?

The Cool Cash lottery game has been pulled from stores in the UK after a number of complaints from angry customers whofailed to grasp how it worked. The game, unveiled late last month, required players to scratch off a window to reveal a temperature. If that temperature was lower than another figure shown on the …

So We Have Dog Racists Now?

Man oh man. This makes me sad. People, when they’re thinking about adopting a dog, don’t take the black ones. Why? Because they’re always the bad dogs in movies, or they don’t stand out in pictures. Boo friggin hoo. If you mistreat your white dog, it will get bad. And I can’t count the number …

>Thanks, That Really Narrows It Down.

>This story isn’t all that special, except for the oh so helpful description provided by police. He is described as white with defined facial features and acne marks on his face. He is between 17-24 years old, stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 170 pounds. Defined facial features? What does that even mean? …