Wow, What A Small Guide Dog!

Remember how I talked about how I get asked a lot if Trixie is fully trained? This usually happens after an embarrassing incident. Well, here’s a new twist on it. I’ve now heard that puppy raisers get asked when they’re walking through places with the puppy they’re raising if they’re blind! Now that one is …

Maybe The Cellphone Rotted His Brain

I can’t decide what’s funnier. Is it the fact that Stuart Gardner came back to the house he burgled a few days before to ask the owner if the owner could give him back the mobile phone he dropped at the crime scene, or the fact that the 74-year-old owner of the invaded home said, …

Everybody Out Of The Pool

Here comes today’s damn near daily dose of UK retardedness. The Portsmouth city Council has come to the decision that, due to health and safety concerns,Kiddie pools now need lifeguards and insurance. Perhaps this shouldn’t be that much of a surprise considering this is also the same city that has asked people to obtain permits …

Why Can’t We BE Friends?

Jesus, what’s with people fighting at weddings? It all started with a missing camera and ended up with 100 people fighting, 30 police on scene, 2 people stabbed and one guy punched in the face, and 3 arrests. Holy shit. Can’t we all just get along? Smacking the piss out of each other won’t make …

Here Comes The Bride, All Dressed In White, Here Comes the Groom…Riding A What?

I cannot even imagine making my entrance at my wedding on the back of an elephant. I know it was the groom who did it, but still. I remember a brief ride on an elephant at a circus when I was small. It was so wabbly, I spent the whole time screaming because I thought …